Dewey’s Read-a-Thon Mini-Challenge

My Perfect Anthology

Dewey’s Read A Thon Mini- Challenge

To enter this mini- challenge you have to leave a comment telling me which authors you’d like to see together in an anthology and create a theme for the book! Creating a name for it is totally optional!

This is an INTERNATIONAL giveaway only for the Dewey’s Read A Thon participants, the 4 winners will be announced at Hour 13!

The prizes will be:
 ♠ 2 ebook copies of the Entangled, A Paranormal Anthology (All proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation) by Edie Ramer , Misty Evans, Michelle Miles, Lori Brighton, Dale Mayer, Nancy Haddock, Michelle Diener, Cynthia Eden , Liz Kreger, Jennifer Estep, Allison Brennan.

 ♠ 2 ebook copies of Dead People by Edie Ramer ( (Haunted Hearts #1)- perfect for Halloween!


Need some ispiration? Let’s hear from my guest, Edie Ramer, how was the process of choosing the authors for the Entangled anthology:


Huge thanks to Nat for having me as a guest for the 24 Hour Read-a-Thon mini – challenge, aka Dewey’s Read-a-Thon. She says it’s a big event, and I like being on big event. Sometimes small ones, too. Having so many book bloggers reminds me of anthologies, all of them joining together to create a BIG AND WONDERFUL thing. That’s what  Misty Evans and I thought when we put together Entangled, a Paranormal Anthology, with all proceeds going to the  Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

I told Nat that I’d talk about the writers we picked and why. First, we decided the stories would be paranormal and have a Halloween theme. Then I immediately sent invitations to  Allison Brennan,   Cynthia Eden and   Jennifer Estep.  Allison and I were in a critique group even before she got her first agent and first sale. (All of that happened soon after I joined the group.) I knew Cynthia from Magical Musings before she published. It was on her blog that I won an ARC of Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep. I loved it, wrote a glowing review, and asked her to be a guest at Magical Musings, the group blog I belonged to. From there we became online friends. Just as an aside, all three of them are New York Times Bestselling authors!

Misty asked Michelle Miles and  Nancy Haddock. I didn’t know Michelle then, though I’ve seen her name around often. I knew Nancy and love her books, and was thrilled that she said yes.

That’s seven, including me and Misty. Samhain author Liz Kreger is my critique partner. She’s also a breast cancer survivor, as am I. We both had it about the same time. The difference is that I’ve been cancer free for eleven years. Hers recurred, and she’s been fighting it off for the last eight years. She’s my hero.

Michelle Diener is my other critique partner. Her historical suspense, In A Treacherous Court, came out in August. She’s one of the best writers I know, so of course I wanted her, even though she doesn’t normally write paranormal. When I read Breaking Out, my first word was Wow!

I got to know  Lori Brighton from Magical Musings, too. She was my guest with Wild Heart, her Zebra debut book that combines historical romance with paranormal elements. We became friends even before she jumped into the self-publishing pool with her historical romances, paranormal romances and young adult.

Dale Mayer and I have been in a group together for years. She’s a single mom of four, and she’s been supporting them with an income from writing. She recently took the plunge into self-publishing, and already has 4 non-fiction books up, 1 romantic suspense with paranormal elements, 2  YA paranormals, and she has stories in 2 anthologies. I know she’ll be on Kindle’s bestselling lists soon.

All of these ladies are a dream team. We’ve gotten so many comments like this from Aimee at Coffee Table Reviews: “It’s rare for me to pick one of these up and like more than just one or two stories. But this had a really great collection of short stories. I got to read some stories from authors I’ve never read before and I love what I’ve read. Those authors have found their way onto my tbr list.”

I should also mention that Stacia Kane wrote the best foreword ever. You’ll have to read it and see what I mean. Lori Devoti did the original formatting at no cost. Laura Morrigan donated the awesome cover. Just brilliant.

We’re so grateful to so many book bloggers like Nat for letting us talk about Entangled. And sites like Ereader News Today. I’m sure part of it is because of the amazing writers and cover. But also because most of us have been touched by breast cancer in some way. Cancer is a rat-bastard disease, and it’s time we kicked the rat-bastard’s ass for good.

In addition to giving away 2 e-copies of Entangled to commenters, I’m giving away 2 e-copies of Dead People, the first book from my Haunted Hearts series. Because of Halloween, I’m collecting real ghost stories. Send me your ghost story, I’ll post it on my blog and give you a free e-copy of Dead People. Send to and put Ghost Story in the subject line.  I want to hear your story.

Edie Ramer


The Winners are:

Entangled, A Paranormal Anthology :


Melissa C

Dead People by Edie Ramer:


Ann Kristin

56 thoughts on “Dewey’s Read-a-Thon Mini-Challenge

  1. I would love to see an anthology of my favorite female authors – Margaret Atwood, Kate Morton, Barbara Kingsolver, Sharon Kay Penman, Sharon Shinn … since the genres are all a jumble I’d just want it to be a a “powerhouse female collection”!


  2. I would like to see a YA Dystopian anthology with Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, Ally Condie, Lois Lowry, and Lauren Destefano. Dystopians are some of my favorite books and I would love to see an anthology of them.


  3. Edgar Allen Poe, Neil Gaiman, Lemony Snicket, Edward Gorey
    “Shhhh! Stories for children to read at night and thoroughly worry their parents the next morning with!”


  4. I think I’m in the mood to read some inspirational stories, so I’d say the theme would be something along stories that cure depression and I’d like to see authors like J.K.Rowling (her Harvard commencement speech was truly moving), Stephen King, Barbara Hall (who created the brilliant TV Show Joan of Arcadia), Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

    Yeah, they all have different styles, different genres that they write in (sort of), but I do think such an anthology would work. 😀

    Oh, and a title: Forgetting the Future, which would be a reference to one of my favourite quotes, ‘The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have’.

    Actually, I think I’ll write something for NaNo under that title. 😀 Great challenge, and also the first one I’m completing this read-a-thon.

    Happy reading! 🙂


  5. I’d like to see an anthology with Neta Jackson, Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Ted Dekker and Frank E. Peretti with the theme “Walk With God, Talk With God”.

    All the above are among my favourite Christian authors, and especially Neta Jackson has written some of the most inspirational books I’ve ever had the chance to read. Since their standard writing is so varied, I think an anthology would be absolutely fascinating to read.


  6. That’s a nice challenge! The theme I’d choose is Vampires and Wizards. The authors would be Nancy Holder, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman and Christopher Golden.


  7. I’d really love to see Nietzsche, Smith, Sartre and Hobbes in an essay collection regarding their thoughts on freedom.

    My title of choice would be “Freedom – Word or Value?”


  8. Oh man I would love to see Meg Cabot, Suzanne Collins, JK Rowling, and Charlaine Harris all work together. I’m not really sure why I chose them but they are all FABULOUS! so Im sure anything they created would be fabulous x 10!!

    It would be funny, romantic, creative and original for sure!

    chelle2006 @


  9. I am going to be completly unoriginal to anyone that knows me and say it would have to be Sci-Fi Space Opera Anthology.

    The authors would be a mix of great space opera authors, but also some of my favourite epic fantasy authors as I rekon they could make a great space opera as well

    Peter Hamilton, Stephen Donaldson, David Eddings, Janny Wurts & Kevin J. Anderson


  10. Ilona Andrews , Christine Feehan, Minette Walters, Tamora Pierce, Katie Mac Allister, Dana Marie Bell, Cameron Haley, Dana Marie Bell, Lilith St. Crow, Gail Carriger and Marta Acosta. Call it the First Ladies of Fantasy!


  11. Title-Magical Pages
    Authors-Isabel Allende, Sarah Addison Allen, Laura Esquivel, Alice Hoffman, Toni Morrison, Joanne Harris
    I just realized there are no men!
    stacybooks at yahoo


  12. We would like to see J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, Chris Paolini, and Michael Buckley

    The theme would be stories about magical, comedian gods, who ride dragons from the dead. That is just the sub-plot …. the stories are about fairy tale creatures taking over the world using robot dragons with help from Harry Potter. That would be AWESOME!


  13. I think it’d be cool to have a witch themed anthology and have Diane Sylvan, P.C. Cast, and Kendare Blake. These three authors have all written fiction that has a strong basis in wiccan fact which I find really awesome.


  14. Dueling carnival novellas from Ray Bradbury, Erin Morgenstern, and Christopher Priest; illustrated (and with additional prose) by Tim Burton. Afterword on the lurid history of travelling carnivals by Erik Larson.


  15. I would love to see an anthology with Sherman Alexie, Stephen Chobosky, Holly Schindler, David Leviathan, and Frances O’Roark Dowell with the theme “growing up”. They are such a strong and diverse group of YA authors that an anthology with them would just be amazing to read.


  16. I think my theme would be borders and my authors would be Garth Nix, Neil Gaiman, Guy Gavriel Kay, Octavia Butler (even though she’s dead >.>), Peter Beagle, Margaret Atwood, and Italo Calvino.


  17. This idea is FABULOUS! I would choose a spooky story anthology and include Elizabeth Kostova, Diane Setterfield, Erin Morgenstern, and (because this is MY anthology and I can mix and match YA, adult, classic, and whatever) Carrie Ryan, Kelly Creagh, Edgar Allen Poe, and the Brontes.


  18. My perfect anthology would by mysteries – old mysteries, with wonderful dialog. it would contain Agatha Christie, Rex Stout, Erle Stanley Gardner, Ellery Queen, with maybe a little Robert B. Parker thrown in to liven it up.


  19. I read Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant and adored it, so I’d put together another anthology of people writing about cooking and discovering oneself. I’d include Mark Bittman, Michael Pollan, Alton Brown, Dominique Browning, Elizabeth Gilbert, Julie Powell, Pema Chodron, and others.


  20. My theme would be food in science fiction–agriculture in SF is often overlooked, and I think there would be some good stories out of it. My authors would be Samuel Delany, Ursula LeGuin, Kage Baker, Joey Comeau, A. Lee Martinez, and Jo Walton.


  21. Okay my Anthology would be called Stories for a Midnight Book Girl and it would feature stories by my favorite authors and feature me in every story! Narcissistic? Why, certainly! 🙂
    Authors: Stephen King, Joe Hill, Maeve Binchy, Christopher Pike, Sarah Addison Allen, Dean Koontz, Laurie Notaro, Meg Cabot, Maureen Johnson, Edgar Allan Poe (you didn’t specify the authors had to still be alive!), Lauren Oliver, Frank Millar, Kristin Cashore, and Dan Wells. It would come with a bonus cd featuring songs about me by bands like Coldplay, U2, Snow Patrol, Metric, The Bangles, The Beatles, Rufus Wainwright, Ryan Star, and Toad the Wet Sprocket.


  22. Sorry, I missed so much. I lost track of time. What great teams! Alexa, Meg Cabot’s books are like candy to me. I can’t resist them.

    Lydia, Barbara Kingsolver is a writer goddess!

    Kathryn, any book with Suzanne Collins would be awesome.

    Nosilas, “Instant bestseller extreme” is a perfect title for that line-up of super writers.

    Jemma, the title of your anthology cracked me up. It’s perfect for the authors.

    Skeiron, if I’d known JK Rowling, I would have asked her to contribute a book in a heartbeat!

    Reading Bliss, that’s a great title for an inspirational anthology.

    Raistlin, your theme “Vampires and Wizards” would make an eye-catching title.

    farodin, wow! An anthology titled “Freedom -Word of Value?” would be something that a lot of our politicians should read.

    Michelle, AWESOME authors. I so agree that It would be “funny, romantic, creative and original.” My kind of reading material.


  23. OOOOH That Entangled Anthology looks supreme. I am totally anthology girl. I would love to see an anthology with two of my favorite authors.

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Haruki Murakami. The name could be Love and All the Maladies.


  24. While I’m not a huge fan of short stories in general, I do like seeing my favorite characters crop up for a few dozen pages. I know there are already urban fantasy anthologies, but I’d really love to see Ilona Andrews, Jim Butcher, Karen Marie Moning, Kim Harrison, Karen Chance, and Richelle Mead put together an epically long anthology (so they could be novellas rather than short stories).

    Kate @ Epic (Chocolate) Fantasy


  25. Storm, great title for great authors.

    Anomander, you should put together an anthology with those authors. I best some of them would love it.

    Stacey, I love Sarah Addison Allen’s writing. She changed my own writing. I used to write very tight, and after I read Garden Spells, I gave myself permission to loosen up.

    Mineola, love, love, love your whole anthology idea! I’d buy that anthology in a heartbeat.

    Amanda, too funny, because I’m in another anthology, with the proceeds going to Kids Need to Read, Nathan Fillion’s charity. It’s titled Every Witch Way But Wicked. It has quite a few bestselling Kindle writers in it.

    Katherine, love the idea of a dueling carnival anthology. You have a great imagination to think of a theme like that.

    Heidenkind, that would be another guaranteed bestseller.

    Ann, I hate to say that I’m not familiar with any of those writers. I’ll have to check them out.

    Contessa, those authors evoke my senses in a magical way, too.

    Jessica, I was an Octavia Butler fan for many years. I’d love to read an anthology with a story of hers in it.

    Lorren, that’s an awesome mix! If you could get new stories by Edgar Allen Poe and the Brontes, that would be an instant bestseller.


  26. Thanks to everyone. My apologies again to Nat and all of you. I have no excuses for being an hour late, but I’m happy all of you made it and thought of such great author teams! I hope someone actually puts these teams together. That would be wonderful.


  27. Kai, Magical Steampunk Stories would be another big seller. Gail Gorriger is another favorite.

    Tami, I would absolutely LOVE that anthology. I used to be addicted to mysteries, and they were some of my favs.

    Joy, have you read Barbara O’Neal, aka Barbara Samuel? She writes great foodie fiction. I’m putting Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant on my reading list. This is the first I’ve heard of it, and I can’t resist that title.

    Mia, I’ve read Ursula LeGuin, but not the others. I’ll have to check them out.

    Kate, you crack me up. I’d like an anthology with me as the main charater fo every story, too. lol I’d keep most of your authors, but I’d add Bruce Springsteen.


  28. I’d like to read a space western anthology! This brought on by my recent desire to watch the anime Cowboy Bebop and by my love of Firefly. Some authors…Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Richard Matheson, Poppy Z Brite, Kim Harrison, Brandon Sanderson, J.L. Bryan, Terry Pratchett (for comedy of course haha), Dean Koontz, Anne McAffrey, David Weber, Madeleine Roux.
    Ooo “The New West” or “Blackhole West” lol yeahhh…
    tlabunski **((gmail))**
    Pabkins @ Mission to Read


  29. Chris, best Gothic authors every. I think they’d do pretty good today, too.

    Pam, good luck in the drawing for Entangled! Love and All the Maladies is another awesome title.

    Kate, Allison ended up writing a novella for Entangled, and it’s terrific!

    Melissa, Amanda Hocking wrote the foreword to Every Witch Way But Wicked, the other anthology I have a story in. She created the cover, too, which was very cool.


  30. I like the idea of a Dystopian anthology … maybe with works by Neil Gaiman or Stephen King … Salvador Plascencia and John A. Lindqvist. I love Dystopian novels!


  31. Pabkins, I absolutely think a space western anthology would be fun. Sign me up for that! I could think of a story.

    Lu, that team would make a great RS anthology.

    Kristilyn, I’m not into dystopian novels, but that’s an excellent team.

    Borkadventures, love the title “Literary Women Who Kick Ass!” I’d buy it!

    Michelle, if you know those authors, ask them. They might say Yes! After all, the authors in Entangled did!


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