BBAW – Day 2

Tuesday September 13th: Blogger Interview
My interview partner is Kate from I Just Want To Seat Here And Read! We get to chat and interview each other, so please stop by her blog to read the other part our chat!
Hello Kate, nice to meet you!
Hi Nat! Lovely to meet you too, love the blog. I am definitely a fan of romances!!
Thank you! I love the name of your blog! It describes what I feel like doing most of the time!
Oh me too, my husband knows that as well, he tends to stay away when I’m in the reading zone…
Oh boy! Poor thing! LOL
Okay, so how would you describe yourself with 6 words?
Day-dreamer, reader (obviously), friendly, foodie, easy-going, loving.
Whew that was hard!
Tell me what do you like most about blogging.
Besides being able to talk about how much I love to read and the books that I adore, I really enjoy the friendships and places I’ve been. I love being able to talk about books all day and not have someone’s eyes roll into the back of their head because they are bored. And I love going to conferences like BEA (Book Expo of America) where I can meet authors, publicists, and other bloggers who all share the love of reading!
When did you first fall in love with books and reading? What are your favorite genres?
I can’t even remember when I first started to love books, but my earliest memory is my Mom reading to me when I was youngerI Just Wanna Sit Here and Read before bedtime, then I started to read to her until she fell asleep next to me. Then each summer I won first prize for my library reading program for reading the most books (what a nerd I was!), and since then I haven’t stopped. My favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi, romance, contemporary, and chick-lit, in both adult and young adult genres.
What was the most challenging moment in your blog? Developing content, the process or creating an enviroment for an active community?
I think the active community. I read on average a book a day so I definitely have enough to talk about but keeping others engaged is a part of my (even still) daily struggle on the blog. I love what I write, it’s getting others to love it too that tends to be a problem.
Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working on your blog, you said that you adore the friendships!
Meaghan from A Bookworm’s Haven is probably the sweetest person ever, and we never tire of talking about books that we love or hate, and if we don’t like a book the other usually agrees. Angela from Dark Faerie Tales, she lives pretty close to me so we immediately shared that, and she has an amazing sense of humor that I definitely admire, and her blog is so fricken awesome. And Susan from Wastepaper Prose is such a generous friend and fellow writer. We have a lot of the same book reading/writing interests and she has been an invaluable resource and really awesome friend.
Book bloggers are usually very nice and generous!
I definitely agree!! I try to be as well, as much as I can.

 I had so much fun!!!

I loved it too!

Thank you for agreeing to my crazy chat idea, Kate! =D

6 thoughts on “BBAW – Day 2

  1. Great interview.. I really enjoy Kate’s blog, been a follower for a little while and I like what she writes on her blog. I have to agree with Trisha, my husband becomes all kinds of needy too when I crack open a book.


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