Vampire Dreams by Gabrielle Bisset


Vampire Dreams

by Gabrielle Bisset

Author’s Site | Blog

Published May 28th 2011

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Homeless and without any family, Arden Stephens must live on the streets of mid 19th century London, never a safe place for a young woman. One night, as she is running for her life from an attacker, she is rescued by Brandon Ridley and offered a place in his home as his maid.
Brandon is enchanted by Arden from the moment they meet, but just as she has secrets, so too does he. A vampire hundreds of years old, he yearns for the companionship she can give him. But for that he must make her one of his kind.Nightly, he visits her in her sleep, preparing her for the night he will finally make her his own.
For Arden, the wanton dreams she has about her handsome employer seduce her and each day when she wakes up, she finds herself more drawn to him. But love and desire aren’t enough for Brandon to sire her. He must first obtain the approval of his maker, an ancient vampire named Vasilije who has thwarted his chance for happiness before.But if Brandon can convince him, he may finally find the love he’s been without for centuries.

My thoughts:

Gabrielle’s writing is focused on actions and dialogs, making it a fast paced read with “OMG” moments.

After the “OMG” moment, when our hero and heroine meet, they get into a weird relationship. What does he want from her? What is she supposed to do? And then, a twist by the middle of the book…

Gabrielle was hiding the gold!Vajilise could’ve shown up earlier. His appearence was a surprise. I was reading and by the way things were going, I thought it would focus on their feelings for each other and about their decision (I can’t tell you more or it would be a spoiler) and suddenly…the sire?! Where did he come from? What does he want? He’s got that “Lestat” presence, a mixture between mentor and “maker”, emanates fear.

I missed more character description and setting characteristics. It’s imperative for the reader to connect with the story. Afterall you’ll feel like Vampire Dreams is a steamy surprise you wouldn’t wanna miss!



You can read my interview with Gabrielle here, and buy her newest release: gabrielle bisset

This book was kindly provided by the author. That doesn’t affect my opinion about the book.

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