Friday’s Events (V)

Here’s my answers to today’s events:

Q. It’s circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them…

1. I have to drink coffee everyday

2. I read more than one book at a time

3. I can’t read listening to music or any tv sounds

4. I need to have a glass of water around me when I start reading

5. I love ebooks! I’m a bit addicted to them right now (Not that I don’t like other formats)

And…here we go!

1. I see a TV in front of me.

2. Cats scratch.

3. They begin following you around.

4. He was so handsome so many years earlier.

5. This I know: dogs bark.

6.I’ll have pizza for dinner.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward tometting with my friends, tomorrow my plans include going to a partyand Sunday, I want to apend the day with my family!

Question of the week:

   Did you set yourself a reading goal?

No, but I do have a calendar with the books I’ll read next! As I review for a few places, I have to be organised and have deadlines.

Book Blogger Hop

“If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?”

I have to say Harry Potter’s! MAGIC!

“The demon Mastema always made her watch. She was hidden
of course, in the form of a shadow, but Faina could see and hear
everything. She’d waited for this day for months.”

The Last Soul , by Carolyn Rosewood

What will happen to her??

Page 56:

“The surf sprayed up, drenching her. She didn’t even flinch.
What difference would it make if they ran? There was no place to
hide from a demon.”

The Last Soul , by Carolyn Rosewood

Who? Where? WHAT?

Share your answers! Leave a comment and I’ll comment back!

22 thoughts on “Friday’s Events (V)

  1. Hi, hoppin by on the 18+. I have to be organized too. I have a notebook of all the books I need to/want to read and the date I need to have them read by. I’m a list person. LoL
    Hope you had a great weekend!


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